How I Created My Daily Routine from ChatGPT and Todoist. It Changed My Life….

Pankaj Jain
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Time Management Picture

As a young professional, I’ve always struggled with time management. With a busy schedule that includes work, gym, and other commitments, it can be challenging to find time for everything. However, I knew that I needed to make a change and take control of my daily routine. That’s when I thought to try ChatGPT, an AI language model that could help me optimize my daily routine.

I started by telling ChatGPT about my daily routine, including my work schedule, gym time, and other activities. ChatGPT then provided me with a detailed plan that would help me manage my time more efficiently. The plan included specific times for meals, workouts, and other activities, which I could easily integrate into my daily schedule.

The prompt I gave to chatGPT was:

ChatGPT starting prompt

Next, I made some tweaks and then I wanted to make sure that I could keep track of my daily routine easily, without having to remember everything. That’s when I decided to integrate ChatGPT’s plan with Todoist, a popular task management app. With Todoist, I could easily create tasks for each activity, set due dates and reminders, and track my progress over time.

Asking chatGPT to create an csv file content

To get started, I created a Todoist project for my daily routine, with separate tasks for each activity. For example, I created a task for breakfast, with a due date of 8 am, and a reminder to make sure that I didn’t forget. Similarly, I created tasks for my workouts, with due dates and reminders to ensure that I stayed on track. All these were done by just uploading a CSV file.

Note: chatGPT doesn’t always give the correct/desired result, so you need to do some research/tweaks on your own too. Like in my case all headers were not compatible with TodoIst

Finally, By integrating ChatGPT’s plan with Todoist, I was able to create a daily routine that was both effective and manageable. I could easily keep track of my tasks and ensure that I was staying on schedule, even with a busy work schedule.

Todoist Daily Routine Image Made By chatGPT

One of the key benefits of using Todoist was the ability to see my progress over time. With the app’s built-in productivity tracker, I could see how many tasks I had completed each day, and how much time I had spent on each activity. This helped me to identify areas where I could improve and optimize my routine even further.

In conclusion, using ChatGPT and Todoist together has been a game-changer for my daily routine. By leveraging the power of AI and task management technology, I was able to create a routine that works for me, even with a busy schedule. If you’re struggling with time management, I highly recommend giving these tools a try. With a little effort and a bit of planning, you too can create a daily routine that helps you achieve your goals and live your best life.

I hope my experience and the tips I’ve shared here will be helpful to those who are struggling with time management and productivity. If you liked my story, please follow me on LinkedIn and Medium to get more insights on tech, productivity, and personal development.

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Pankaj Jain

Software Developer started writing with 5+ years experience, Helping People achieve 10X results using AI. Founder of /